
There is No World. where we would not exist.

Your pitiful 'Decree' has done very little for us since we crawled - dying - from our holes just to stagnate in your bigger hole.

"This is a new chance to correct everything that led to the near extinction of Humanity"
Your System is the same as the Systems that did this to us!

If the System did indeed save us from extinction, all it does now is sap the reason to survive in the first place!

Understand that it is your duty as a Human to question the 'Truths' you've been taught.
Is your future really just toiling and rotting away in a hole for those who don't even care for your name, let alone who you are?
The Earth is where you belong!

An Earth that we treat with respect, not the destruction we clearly haven't learned from.
The same respect you withhold from those who are different from you.

You are a coward!

Love is more powerful than you'll ever know.
Only when you have been Discarded and discover that you have never felt True Comradery, True Love.
Never felt it until those who have less than nothing give you and eachother everything they can each day!

Phantsi noHlelo, Phantsi!
an image of written text reading: 'Hi 'Division of Security'. Your website was a fun challenge, but way too easy to hack. We continue to evade your men with ease. Z says hello'